Thursday, December 1, 2011

Everything You Wanted To Know About Pitching & Skipping With A Baitcast Reel

I am constantly asked by people new to bait casting reels; "How in the world do you pitch and skip a bait with a bait caster?" My answer is usually the same as those who ask how to get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice.  But seriously, for those of you who already know how to use this technique, you have to admit, trying to explain the technique is very hard to do without someone working with you one on one.

I've just recently come across a video on YouTube that explains the techniques beautifully and I couldn't have done or said it any better.  If you want to learn this technique, which you should if you want to become a better fisherman, please watch the video below.  The guy does a fabulous job of showing you how to set up your reel for pitching and skipping a bait without getting a lot of professional overuns as we like to say.  This is a great video by a really good teacher who takes the mystery out of the technique and makes it easier to learn and understand. Enjoy !!


  1. Great piece Dave, keep them coming! Can you do an article on how to be successful with topwater from the shore, on a highly pressured body of water? (for me, its the cali delta)

  2. Daiwa Takara Baitcasting Reel Used Once For Sale.

  3. This is very nice post and very effective video for angler. Thanks for sharing this post.

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